If you encounter these doubts when trading stocks:

How to buy and sell?

The stock fell as soon as I bought it, but started to rise after I sold it!

I can't get out of the stock trap

When a stock is trapped, should I stop the loss or buy the bottom and increase the position?

3800 stocks

Which one should I buy among 3800 stocks?

How to determine the stock trend?

How to judge the trend of the stock you have bought? When is the time to sell?

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Service Content

Stock investment --Basics Course

A basic course provides successful navigation of stocks, strategic stock reports, trading support, IPO stock information reports, etc.

For our clients to be successful in stock investing, it's more important to provide support for a variety of changes than just one-off stock information.

Strategy Report

What stocks should you buy now? We carefully select stocks for reporting after repeated consideration from multiple perspectives such as economic conditions, social conditions, industry trends, and corporate trends.

Popular sector stocks within 3 days

Good news spurs stock price rise

Undervalued blue chip stocks

Buying and selling support

The most important thing is to properly manage the stocks you buy and provide support that allows you to switch stocks as various conditions change. This can sometimes reduce losses and lock in profits.

Our expert consultants not only recommend strategic inventory to clients, but also provide full support from procurement to sales and take full responsibility.

Famous practical teachers explain in simple terms to help investors grasp the logic of stock trading

Algar Clark

Algar Clark was born on August 9, 1970 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. He is a modern Wall Street legend. He is good at stock fund credit investment, risk hedging and asset management. He graduated from the Department of Financial Management of Harvard University in the United States. In 1992, he worked at Morgan Bank in the United States. Served as a currency fund manager. After serving for 3 years, he also served as a credit corporate investment banking manager and asset risk control manager at Citibank.

In 1997, he followed Soros and made a lot of money by shorting the Thai currency. He currently serves as the senior vice president of Apollo Global Management Company and the project executive director of Apollo Investment Co., which is currently in the United States. Listed on Nasdaq and the Netherlands, it has raised at least US$10 billion in public markets and has extensive risk control experience in the stock investment market.

If you want to make money by entering the stock market

Don’t look at pictures online and guess by yourself. Don’t rely on your sixth sense to enter the market.

Rely on this method that has been proven to be effective.
Practical trading strategy.
​We give you the correct investment strategy and layout.
The real psychology of trading​、
A set of strategies to double your account profits.

Today’s late trading 30-minute stock selection indicator is now available for a limited time.

Discover opportunities early and invest more quickly!

It's all free and no commissions! Choose stocks together every day and challenge for high income in 2024!

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